Transformative Accreditation for Sustainability Degree Programs in Higher Education 

We SEAC to increase the quality, visibility, diversity, and impact of sustainability and sustainability-related degree programs.

by developing dynamic, context-sensitive guidance for program-level design and evaluation

We SEAC to prepare sustainability professionals across all employment sectors.

by working with employers to meet the “sustainability skills gap”

We SEAC to evolve higher education.

by promoting learning outcomes grounded in the Key Competencies for Sustainability and using program-level accreditation as a lever for innovation and transformative change.

Explore our collaborative work:

Key Competencies in Sustainability

Learn more about the Key competencies in Sustainability Framework (KCSF) for Education and the preparation of sustainability professionals.

Learning Module

Our FREE, asynchronous learning module provides an overview of the Key Competencies in Sustainability. It is intended as a teaching tool for faculty teaching sustainability courses

(but anybody can take it and receive a certificate.)

Four Dimensions of Sustainability Education

Program Level Learning Outcomes and Competency Menus to integrate Key Competencies in Sustainability into your academic degree program


Working with our network of scholars and strategic partnerships with organizations such as the National Sustainability Society, the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability, and the Global Council for Science and the Environment, we create and distribute guidance documents and new research related to Sustainability Education.

This report documents a website review of sustainability programs at 100 U.S. HEIs, providing new insight into the needs and interests of various stakeholder:

Resource Library

Explore our curated living library of the scholarship
that informs our work.

This living document is organized by stakeholder group with reading and resources of interest to students, faculty, employers, and community members. Special topics include International Sustainability Education and Justice & Equity:

Transformative Accreditation

How could accreditation benefit your program?

Best Practices for Sustainability and Sustainability-Related Degree Programs in Sustainability

Join our 2024-2025 Program Directors’ Cohort to pilot the Best Practices and participate in the development of new tools and Case Studies for program excellence. Participants will draft their own self-study document within a collaborative cohort of peers, while contributing to the articulation of these standards for programs that support Sustainability Education and the Key Competencies in Sustainability as program learning outcomes.